Food-inspired hair color trends are back, and the clearest proof is blackberry hair which, while being an acclaimed deep color for winter, has been crowned as one of the best styles for refreshing and brightening dark hair in midsummer . Next, we tell you what this juicy and rich fruit trend consists of, which, surely, chestnuts will not be able to resist!
Las tendencias de tinte inspiradas en comida están de vuelta y la prueba más clara es el blackberry hair que, aún siendo un color profundo aclamado para el invierno, se ha coronado como uno de los mejores estilos para refrescar e iluminar las cabelleras oscuras en pleno verano. A continuación, te decimos en qué consiste esta jugosa y rica tendencia frutal que, seguramente, ¡las castañas no se le podrán resistir!
As the name implies, this tint mimics the hues of an exquisite handful of blackberries, starting with a dark brown root that is swept to a purple color and bathes the entire mane in a final coat of gloss.
Como su nombre lo dice, este tinte imita las tonalidades de un exquisito puñado de moras, comenzando por una raÃz castaña oscura que se barre hacia un color púrpura y baña toda la melena en una capa final de gloss.
The purple tint trend is perfect for chestnuts with a warm or yellowish skin tone, as both tones complement each other in the color wheel and balance the facial features. In case cold skins want to join this trend, all they have to do is play with more reddish hues (within the raspberry range) to create harmony on the face.
La tendencia de tinte en color púrpura le va perfecto a las castañas con subtono de piel cálido o amarillento, ya que ambos tonos se complementan en el cÃrculo cromático y equilibran las facciones del rostro. En caso de que las pieles frÃas se quieran unir a esta tendencia, todo lo que deben hacer es jugar con matices más rojizos (dentro de la gama de los frambuesa) para crear armonÃa en el rostro.
There are several reasons why blackberry hair, or "blackberry hair," is a favorite color for this hot season. The first is that the purple tips bring life to the face and, under the reflections of the sun, the effect looks impressive! The second is that dark chestnuts can add to this look without discoloration and therefore hair is not mistreated the same! The third reason is that the dye trend is low maintenance and helps the hair not be damaged (as much) with exposure to the sun and chlorine in summer.
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